Thursday, August 14, 2008

Catch up

First things first: our eight month picture with Mona the Cow. So serious...
Now, get comfy. It feels like it's been a while. We had a great visit a couple of weeks ago with our friends from Valpo...I know that I already mentioned that, but now I'm posting some pictures.
Here's the whole crew Flumin'
We got a backpack for the Little Man that he rather enjoyed, not that you could tell based on his expression...

After we got wet walking, we rode the gondola thingy to the top of Cannon Mountain for some yummy lunch.
Turns out, that was about all that Joseph could handle for fresh air and White Mountain excitement.
Then we spent last weekend in the trailer in Maine with my folks and Max and Jackie. We nearly got washed out the first of Freeport were flooded. Joseph was tracing the raindrops on the windows.
He figured out how to stick out his tongue last weekend too. So, that's been added to his repertoire of head shaking (which he's pretty sure means "Hello"), mouth popping (which Amy taught him the weekend before), tongue clicking, and an assortment of da's and other random noises.
Since I'm reasonably certain that New England is just going to wash away this summer, it was nice to see a rainbow the other night. It's actually a double, if you can see the second one... my mom reminded us that rainbows are our family friend Ginny smiling at us all :)
Then Max and Jackie leave this Sunday for the Land of Red Dirt. We're not sure if we're going to see them before Christmas since plane tickets now require a deposit of a major organ and a dedication of your first born. We'll miss them :(
And, school starts a week from Monday. I'm pretty sure that means that our house will become kind of like the second ring of Hell. September is always brutal as we readjust to a school schedule and mindset, so this year will certainly be much better [or so much worse] since I haven't worked since last Thanksgiving and am still awoken twice every night by a sweet little boy who I'm sure will adjust perfectly smoothly to his new day care place [or not at all]. He's still not eating like he should, so that'll be fun too. And, Matt is working in a school now, so he'll be playing the back-to-school game too. Eih. We'll make it. Stay tuned for stories of how Matt and I want to kill each other...September really does get pretty rough...


  1. Joseph is an angel! I love the picture of him asleep in the carrier. Fabulous!

    September = Stressful. Are you having the back to school nightmares yet? Hope not!

    Thanks for the kind words earlier. They made my day!

  2. He is the cutest child ever. And I love him and Mona the Cow!
