I finished my little knitting project(s)! I mentioned in my last post that we ran into some friends who were expecting little boys while we were in Chicago for Baby Frankie's baptism. They were the ones for whom I was knitting blankets. Baby S's blanket (who has since become Baby Ethan) was finished a while ago, and I had to give an incomplete blanket to Baby H (who has since become Baby Ian). Well, I finished knitting Baby Ian's blanket before we left, but I had to tie in the ends and still haven't shipped it out. Hopefully once I get my car back tomorrow I can hit the post office. At any rate, I'd like to present those finished products. I know that I posted Ethan's blanket earlier, but admire it again.And, here's Ian's blanket all wrapped up.And, then I was just in the knitting groove so I thought that I'd try a little stuffed animal. Also, Joseph got this adorable little stuffed kitty in Tallinn, so I thought that I might see if I could recreate something similar. So, here's my first stuffed knit animal. It's not big and can't quite decide if it's a bear or a mouse or a cat, but Joseph likes it and I think it's pretty cute.Now I've got to move on to quilts. Baby R is coming around Christmas-time, so I'm going to get going on his/her quilt maybe today...
The pattern for that second blanket is beautiful. And the stuffed animal is super cute! This makes me want to get back to crocheting, but I think I need to focus on my wedding scrapbook first.
I'm Allison. I'm the mom, the wife, the daughter, the teacher, the friend, the author. Welcome to my blog.
Matt is the husband, the dad, the partner, and the friend...amongst many other things. We've been married since June 2001, and it's been a pleasant journey so far.
Joseph is the little boy. He joined our group in November 2007 and has certainly added some excitement. He's a pretty regular little kid.
The pattern for that second blanket is beautiful. And the stuffed animal is super cute! This makes me want to get back to crocheting, but I think I need to focus on my wedding scrapbook first.