Monday, August 25, 2008

Now, it's me & Martha

Well, I've decided that It's a Good Thing that I'm back to school. I was fraught with anxiety (in case you hadn't figured that out) about my decision to go back full time, and I feel so much better after today. Today was New Year's Day and it was comfortably familiar and energizingly fresh. Not to mention that Joseph seemed to do well at daycare--this was my biggest concern.

So, Matt and I dropped him off together since Matt had never been there or met the people who worked there. We left to some sad and tired eyes, but he wasn't crying. I was another story...I made it to the parking lot and only cried half way to school. Thankfully I had a lot to do today to distract me from constantly thinking of my sweet little boy. I resisted all urges to call and check on him, but did bolt out of school as soon as possible to rescue him from certain upset. When I got there he was asleep for his second nap of the day, he had eaten two whole jars of food, made friends with another boy almost his age, laughed, smiled, played, and generally enjoyed himself. I couldn't have been happier! I can hardly get him to eat one full jar of food during an entire day, and they got two whole ones into him while he was there (then he had another half for dinner)! I know that they're not all going to be great days, but I'm so relieved to know that he's getting good and gentle care.

Then, to top off my day, Kate taught me how to make socks on something besides dpn's! I tend to get frustrated with all of the little needles pointing everywhere, and she's making tolerance socks on a big circular needle. Her instructions are fabulous, and I'm pretty sure that I can follow them.

Quick Kate story: Kate is a friend from college...we were both chem majors in Christ College. She's turned her chem major into a successful (although quite busy!) medical career. Apparently I stole a stop sign for her 18th birthday. Incidentally, I've got my own stop sign and a slow children at play sign (why do we have to single out the slow children?). And there are a couple of streets that have no one living on them in the middle of Nowhere, Indiana that lost a stop sign over 10 (WHAT?!) years ago. Anyway, I've always remembered that Kate brought me to her home (where I met her wonderfully kind parents) before she brought me to O'Hare to fly home for some break. It was the first time that I'd been to someone's house that I had met at college, and her home was just so...homey: it was one of those places that smells like cookies in my head and makes me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of tea. I thought that it was so cool that she brought me to her house since exactly 2 people from Valpo came to my house during the entire 4.5 years that I was there (I married one of them, and I know it gets to be a little tricky when your home is 1000 miles away. Details.). So, that's my Kate story.


  1. Sounds like you had a good first day back! Good luck with all your kiddos tomorrow.

  2. Glad it was a good first day and Joseph did well. :)

  3. Awww. Thanks. I'd forgotten that, actually. See? Between the two of us, I think we can remember most of what happened back then....

    Dude. I know. Over 10 years ago? When the heck did that happen????

    Glad your first day of school went well. And that Joseph's did, too. He seems like such a laid-back, good natured little soul. I'm sure he'll be the star of daycare.

    Glad the sock tutorial helped, too! It's always funny to knit one of those magic loop socks in public...people are just FASCINATED. I knit through my Wednesday aftenoon of lectures every week so *I* can pay attention better, but I think it's more distracting to my classmates, because they're always just like, wow...that's so soothing....and then there's a sock growing out of do you DO that?? Not that any of them will let me teach them yet, but, nonetheless. I have three or four more years to wear them down and turn them all into knitters....
