Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sometimes silence is less than golden

Joseph and I had a busy busy morning today while Matt was working an open house at school. We cleaned and laundered and baked and played. When all of that was done, we got dressed. We've got this little system figured out where I take a shower and he plays with his bath toys in the bathroom. That way we can talk and all sorts of stuff. So, I was enjoying my shower and noticed that it had gotten quiet...a little too quiet. There's always trouble when it's quiet. So, I stuck my head out to find that my fabulously resourceful little boy had unrolled the entire roll of toilet paper onto the floor and had moved into "shred" mode. He was working so hard at it that I couldn't spoil his fun at that moment, and, really, what did it matter? I was going to have to clean it up anyway...I might as well finish my shower! This standing up thing is opening up a whole new world of possibilities...

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