Monday, December 15, 2008


So, we're still out. It officially went dark for us at 1am on Thursday night. Today didn't seem so bad since it was like 60 degrees outside. Hopefully that means that the house didn't get too cold. It's supposed to take a wicked turn in the next day or so, though.

Luckily (I think), Matt snagged a generator for us today. So, he's over at our house getting it up and running. It'll power our furnace so that we don't lose any pipes, and I think that he'll be able to plug in a few other things. So, we'll see how it all rolls. Regardless, we won't have any water since our well pump is in a separate building and runs all of the units in our complex. And, I'm sure that we won't have a phone, Internet, or cable since the company that services all of that stuff is just terrible.

And, my school district website has a big bold note that says that all schools will be open for school tomorrow. So, after dinner I'm going to go shower at a friend's house so that I'm not super-skanky for work tomorrow. Oh boy.

Stay tuned...

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