Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hail to the Chief!

Yeah, that's right! President Obama is coming to my school on Tuesday to talk to 1500 of his closest friends in a Town Hall-style meeting. Since he's coming to our school, 30 spots were reserved for faculty and staff members in our building. More than 30 people were interested, so our names went into a hat and were randomly chosen, and mine was picked! I'm currently waiting to see if I passed the federal background check, but I'm feeling hopeful that I'll actually be there.

My big question right now is what do I wear? I know that this might sound petty considering that he is the President of the United States, but I feel like I've got a realistic grip on my place in this crowd. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to be in the same room as this influential leader. I do tend to think that politics are kind of a dirty game, but I believe that most people get involved with pure intentions and do try to hold on to those intentions for as long as they can. So, regardless of any personal feelings that I have about programs or initiatives or anything like that, I have great respect for people who are willing to take on the responsibility of any public office--especially the President!!

So, I'm pretty pumped. Any suggestions for the visit? I've never done this before, so I welcome any input!

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