Tuesday, June 19, 2007

School's Out!

So, I'm finally done. On to the next stuff.

Matt got home last night from the annual Father's Day fishing weekend. This year there was a whole crowd (Matt, his dad, my dad, Max, my cousin Nathan, and his son) that went up north and got eaten alive by the assorted bugs up there. I guess that they had an amazing time and are excited for next year.

Now that I'm out of school, I've got more time to focus on other things (hmmm, anything in particular?). I'm hoping to buy fabric this week for the quilt that I'd like to make for the baby. It dawned on me last week that my sewing room is turning into the baby's room, so I've got to get sewing so that I can redo that room--I know I'm a little slow on these things. I've got to write, organize, and eventually teach a course down in Mass (a kitchen chemistry campy thing for a week in July and again, maybe, in August). Then, Matt and I are Chicago and westerly bound around the middle of July, so it'll be a busy summer...they all seem to be that way.

What happens to be most on my mind, though, is that a week from tomorrow (the 27th) we will hopefully know what kind of baby we're having! I'm surprisingly anxious about this. I really do just want a healthy little person, but it's exciting to hopefully know what kind of baby I'm feeling cruising around in there. I know, too, that sometimes they can't tell, and sometimes they're wrong, so we've got our fingers crossed that it all works out. I'm getting more used to my growing belly, too. So, if you're interested, tune in next week for girl/boy news!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to find out with you guys!!!! and when you are westward in the chicago area, perhaps I can try and hook up with you up there one afternoon?! give me a call, july may be pretty crazy for us as well. :)
