Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Under the Spell...

So, the last two and a half days of my life have been almost completely devoted to the last Harry Potter book. I wanted to read 6 (Half-Blood Prince) again before I read 7, just to refamiliarize myself with the whole thing again. Once I picked up the last book, I found myself unable to put it down. I'm happy to say that I finished it this morning, and feel as if I can reclaim my last few days before school starts again.

On another thought, Little Guy's quilt is making me a little crazy. I've made a few quilts before (3 to be exact) and thought that I knew what I was getting into. I've been moderately rational about this, or so I thought. Apparently, I've chosen a rather difficult pattern with frustratingly small pieces. My mom has a theory on quilting that's kind of entertaining, if you think about it: it's the act (or art, depending on your take on it) of taking large pieces of fabric, cutting them into little pieces, then putting them back together into large pieces. However, I do find it rather comforting and theraputic. So, although this quilt is starting to frustrate me a bit, I do enjoy the challenge and like what it's looking like. Once I finish the top, I'll post a picture of it. This is my other chore for the week...which is why I'm starting to feel a crunch. Oh piece at a time :)

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